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Deafness and Hard of Hearing

Introduction to Understanding Our Differences

Watch this very quick video about Understanding Our Differences to find out more about this program!

You will be learning about Deafness and Hard of Hearing soon!

  • In this unit, you will learn about how and why some people are different.
  • People with deafness and hard of hearing can experience a wide range of ability to hear, from having some usable hearing to extremely limited or no hearing.
  • People with deafness or hard of hearing make choices and learn how to communicate and how to use strategies, techniques and technology to learn and do everyday tasks.
  • You will have the chance to hear a guest speaker with deafness or hard of hearing talk about their life. You will also have a chance to ask the guest speaker some questions, too.
  • You will learn that every member of our community wants to be treated with respect, be included, and to have friends
girl is hard of hearing and uses a cochlear implant in classroom smiling

Get Ready!

Meet some deaf people in this quick video: 
Dear Hearing People by Sarah Snow and Jules Dameron

Listen to what the kids say about having fun, being different and being included.

After the videos, here are questions to think about:

    1. What are some of the ways the people in the video choose to communicate?
    2. What do the people in the videos say about how they want to be included?
    3. What do they say would be a good thing to do? How do you want to be treated?

Coming Up Next…your unit presentation will happen soon!

Can you think of questions you might have for the guest speaker?  We’ll see you soon!

The Understanding Our Differences curriculum is protected by copyright, © 2010-2023. Understanding Our Differences, Inc. All rights reserved. The Understanding Our Differences curriculum is not to be altered, photocopied, shared with other entities, or reproduced in any way, and is not to be resold.

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