Board of Directors
Board Officers

Gary Alpert
Joe Quintanilla
Eric Navales
Debbie Berechman
Members At-Large
Jini Fairley
Amy Fleischman, MD
Kamal Gupta
Becky Kekula
Erika Pond
Marisa Serrano
Mark Steward
Carol Beard
Beth Mendel
Advisory Board
Nina Berk
Paula Bress
Teacher of the Visually Impaired, Boston Public Schools (retired)
Ellen Cohen-Kaplan, OTR/L, MAS, CPT
Registered Occupational Therapist
Sunitha Das
Doctoral Student, Harvard University
Barbara Day
Preschool Director and Teacher, EEC Preschool
Debbie DeBotton
Allergic Conditions Advocate
Mary-Ellen Efferen, MEd
Education Specialist, Special Education Planning and Policy Unit, MA Dept. of Elementary and Secondary Education
Barbara Fain, JD, MPP
Executive Director, Betsy Lehman Center for Patient Safety and Medical Error Reduction
David Felton
Senior Vice President, Director of Business Banking at Cambridge Trust Company
Kim Freedman
Program Coordinator of the Child Assault Prevention (CAP) program
Marcia Herrmann, MD
Retired Pediatrician
Linda Hiller
Disability Rights Advocate
Judy Jacobs
Director of Education, Marie Philip School The Learning Center for the Deaf (retired)
Carol Kanin
Finance Director, Niki Tsongas Committee
Carolyn Keller
Founding Head of MetroWest Jewish Day School
Consultant, Keren Or Center for Children with Visual Impairments and Multiple Disabilities, Jerusalem and Brandeis University Cohen Center

Alison Klein, Esq.
Judy Levin-Charns
Special Education Administrator
Deborah Marlino
Professor of Marketing, Business School Associate Dean (retired)
Mary Beth McIntyre
Principal, Win-Win Giving
Jenny Mckee-Heinstein, OTR/L
Registered Occupational Therapist
Fran Osten, MEd
Instructor Emerita, Lesley University, The Threshold Program
Mary Margaret Pappas
Nathan Persampieri
Disability Advocate
Ellie Pierce
Research Director, The Pluralism Project, Harvard University
Janet Porter, MS, MEd
Gina Quintanilla
Perkins Library Outreach and Newsline Specialist
Katherine Read
Community Leader
Liz Richardson, MA-CCC, CPHQ
Speech/Language Pathologist
Rachelle Ross
Dale Smith
Jan Spiro
Business Manager, Publishing/Law
Jody Steiner, CI, CT, TC
Educational ASL/English Interpreter, EDCO Collaborative
Jennifer Stone, PhD
Tassy Warren
Deputy Director & Chief Program Officer, Center on the Developing Child
Mari Young
Kit Coordinator, Understanding Our Differences
JoAnne Zangrillo, MSW
Clinical Social Worker
In Caring Memory:
Debby Doktor
Rebecca Lubens
Executive Director
Jenni Acosta
Director of Curriculum, Growth and Technology
Mark Murphy
Director of Development
Betsy Lanjuin
Operations Manager
Mari Young
Kit Coordinator
Lisa DiPalma
Program Coordinator
Punam Sharma
Program Coordinator
In Caring Memory

Medical Advisory Board
Ellen Elias, MD
Director, Special Needs Clinic
The Children’s Hospital
Aurora, Colorado
Ann Fulton, MD
Associate Professor of Ophthalmology
Children’s Hospital Boston
Kenan Haver, MD
Assistant Professor in Pediatrics, Harvard Medical School
Associate in Medicine, Division of Respiratory Diseases, Children’s Hospital, Boston
Director Pulmonary Division Asthma Program
Co-Director, Center for Aerodigestive Disorders
Lise Johnson, MD
Director of Newborn Nurseries at Brigham and Women’s Hospital
Instructor in Pediatrics at Harvard Medical School
Margaret Kenna, MD, MPH
Professor of Otology and Laryngology, Harvard Medical School
Children’s Hospital Boston
Lori Laffel, MD
Chief, Pediatric, Adolescent and Young Adult Section
Joslin Diabetes Center
Thomas LeBrun Kemper, MD
Professor, Anatomy & Neurobiology
Boston University School of Medicine
William Mitchell, EdD
Senior Psychologist, Department of Neurology
Children’s Hospital Boston
Audrey Nathanson, RN, BSN
Clinical Research Nurse, Harvard Thorndike Clinical Research Center,
Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center
Page B. Pennell, MD
Director of Research, Division of Epilepsy
Department of Neurology
Brigham and Women’s Hospital
Harvard Medical School
Daniel Steinberg, MD
Director, Allergy & Asthma Center of Massachusetts
Chestnut Hill, MA
Assistant Clinical Professor
Tufts University School of Medicine
Naomi Steiner, MD
Clinical Associate Professor, Boston University School of Medicine,
Pediatric Development & Behavioral Department